Where do you ship?

We ship to the continental US, Canada and the UK currently.

How are the items made?

We utilize a print-on-demand service called Printful. Printful is the powerhouse that prints my designs and ships them to you. Because of that, we can not gurantee that all your items will come in one package if you purchase mulitple.


How long is shipping?

The printing and shipping process should take 2 weeks or less, but it is possible that it takes longer (like for international orders).


Do you accept refunds?

Because we use a print-on-demand service, we can only accept defected products for refunds. If this happens to an item, please contact [email protected]


Why are there no product photos?

I am hosting this site on Bigcartel, and the two major drawbacks of their free plan are: you can only have 5 items at a time and one photo per product. I hope to combat that by adding a Gallery page and using my alt instagram to post photos.


What are the shipping prices?

For the continental US, there is a flat rate of $5. For Canada, there is a base rate of $7 and $1 for each additional item. For the UK, there is a base rate of $6 and $1 for each additional item. These prices are to combat the ones here